What is aviation insurance?

There is no way that you can own an airplane without at least hearing about aircraft insurance. You, however, may be one of those people living in Parsons, KS who believes that insurance is not necessary. It is not as if there are a thousand planes in the air at one time as with automobiles on the road. Wouldn’t insurance be a waste of money in this instance? A Clemens Insurance Agency representative can definitely testify that aircraft insurance is anything but a waste of time and resources. 

What is Aviation Insurance?

By definition, aviation insurance is an indemnity policy that provides financial coverage for aircraft. There are various policies for different plane types, which include coverage for: 

  • Standard Planes
  • Experimental Aircraft
  • Vintage Airplanes
  • Seaplanes

Your price quote will depend on many factors that include the type of plane you own as well as how often you plan to use the aircraft and for what purpose the form of transportation will be used. 

Why is Aviation Insurance Necessary?

You need aviation insurance even if you do not own an airplane. A standard commercial insurance policy does not typically provide coverage if a lawsuit arises due to technician mistakes. You could find yourself paying thousands if you own an aviation repair shop and accidentally ruin someone’s aircraft all while lacking an indemnity policy that pays for damages. An aviation assurance policy is, therefore, more of a necessity and less of an option. 

Your reasons for seeking an aviation assurance policy as an aircraft owner should be for the same purpose that you would buy a car insurance plan. You would never drive your vehicle around town in Parsons, KS without proper financial coverage to pay for mishaps. Why would you fly a plane that costs three times more than your car with no coverage?

Clemens Insurance Agency can explain the ins and outs of aviation insurance. Call today for a quote!