What Are the Major Differences Between Liability and Full Coverage Auto Insurance?

At Clemens Insurance Agency, serving the greater Parsons, KS area, we are often asked about questions about auto insurance. We have found that many people are unsure of the differences between liability and full coverage auto insurance. Understanding the difference between these two is important, as it allows you to determine which option may be the better fit for you. Here are the major differences between liability and full coverage auto insurance. 

Liability Auto Insurance

Liability auto insurance is the cheapest type of auto insurance. When you are looking for basic auto insurance, or state minimum auto insurance, you are looking at liability insurance policies. Liability auto insurance only covers damage that you do should you hit someone else. The amount of coverage varies based on the coverage limits on your policy. This policy covers damage to another car you hit, the other car’s medical expenses, and property damage for accidents you cause. 

Full Coverage Auto Insurance

Full coverage auto insurance, sometimes called comprehensive coverage, not only covers damage that occurs when you hit someone else but also covers you and your car as well. If you hit someone, this type of policy will cover the damages done to your car and your medical expenses. This type of policy also covers things like theft and vandalism to your car. 

Are you in the market for a new auto insurance policy in the Parsons, KS area? Then turn to Clemens Insurance Agency. Whether you are looking for liability auto insurance or full coverage auto insurance, we can help you find the policy that is best suited for your needs. Call us now to get started.